Sunday, March 16, 2008


Greetings geeksters! Just here to keep you posted on my preperations for the CAG annual story I am working on called, ( tentitively ) FIRST IN FLIGHT. The actual script for the story is just begining to be hammered together this week, but since I got my first round of reference photos heading into this past weekend, I decided to jump ahead and whip up a splash page.

Now... this page above, ( and the one below ) are strictly sample pages, ( think of them as elaborate thumbnail sketches ) I did them just for pure fun. It also helps me practice the background scenery. Because these two pages will not be going into the book, I took the liberty to make up some dialouge based on my rough understanding of the story outline, just to have the opportunity to practice my word balloons, lettering, ect. The actual story will, ( I am pretty sure ) use computerized text and lettering.

These are only warm-up excercises after all, so I have decided to limit my time spent on each page to about 3 hours. I wasn't able to polish this one up as much as I would have liked given my self imposed time constraints, but all in all it was a pretty good excersice~

Now if I could just get some details about that Ghoul story to start scribbiling on....

Monday, March 10, 2008


A hale, and hearty, how-de-do there comic book fans, and fanettes... Boy do I got big doings to share with you folks! Seems a couple of weeks ago I went to a comicon in Boston and hooked up with a group called CAG ( the Comicbook Artist Guild ) I was seriously impressed with the talent in their ranks, and thought to myself "This is just the group of folks you need to be hanging with. " I forked over my membership dues lickity split, and soon found it paying off in spades!
In less than a months time I have landed two stories in two seperate publications, with two very promising, and talented writers! The page above is from a historical story by writer Robert Sodaro that deals with the first powered flight. It is a little known fact, but the very first powered flight took place nearly two years before Kittyhawk, and not by the gruesome twosome the Wright Bros. who actually stole their ideas from the hero of our story, a German imagrant by the name of Gustave Whitehead.
This story was selected to be included in the CAG annual comic featuring the years best Artists and Writers. Quite a huge honor since I have only been a member of this group for 30 days! I haven't read the script yet, but Robert gave me some research links to get me started, and since I had some time today I banged out the above page. I sent it off to him and his response was phenomenal, ( actually it was a string of happy and joyus explatives, but I'll spare the more sensitive among us ) he is just as excited as I am to get this baby up in the air.
Next time I'll post you guys some stuff related to my other project, a creepy, errie, scarry ghoul filled monster story....
Stay tuned Faithful viewers~