Saturday, April 25, 2009


Just a little warm weather weekend post to keep me on my tippy-toes. This here is a silly little scribble that started as a practice page. I have been checking out a bunch of retro comic art scans, ( shout-outs to THOIA and Pappy, as well as WALLYWOOD ) all great stuff that can really get your 1950's art roots percolating, and that is just what happened too! I was sitting in Borders killing some ticks of the clock, sose I pull's out my art kit, ( always wid me ) ans I draws up a page. Here of which is two, ( count em ) two panels for ya ta gander.

Happy hunting blogg-uns!

1 comment:

Mr. Karswell said...

Keep up the good work MM, and thanks for the THOIA shout-out too!