Some of you out there may be wondering how the comic convention in Portland went. Well, wait no more...I am going to tell you. My Son and I left the house at 6am in total darkness, (yes we were still without power!) and we couldn't help but wonder if we had forgotten anything after spending an hour packing up my comics and gear by candle light!
We arrived early, ( unlike my editor Ron Fortier....sorry Ron, couldn't resist ha-ha ) and got a great table. Dave at www.primatepromotions.com was a gracious host as always. The foot trafic was just a little slow and sales were a little marginal, however I did meet a bunch of good friends, Megan Miller was there, as was independant comic artist Mike Jordan, and several other customers who remembered me from previous con's. Of course my editor Ron from Wildcat books was there right beside me and we discussed plans for future illustrations in the Professor Stone series. I also was introduced to Howard Hopkins a Maine based Author.
One memorable moment came when a little girl about aged nine was looking through my portfolio.
"You do all these? " She asked,
"Why, yes I did. " said I.
" You're not too bad.." she said " Have you ever thought about being an artist someday?"
I answered cooly: " Yes.... I've thought about it a little "
Yup, it was one of those, thank heavens for good friends days as money-wise, the con was sadly a bust. But visiting with you & Kyle, then Howard and his wife was
much, much fun. And I hadn't seen
CASABLANCA COMICS owner, Rick Lowell in ages. Was lots of fun catching up with him. So very much a good day, heh, amigo. And thanks again for that awesome PROF.STONE poster pring. I love it!!! Oooh, is Wayne gonna be jealous.
I feel so out of the loop! Here I am looking at this package I need to mail you too Mitch.. hmmm (haha)
Whp-Shh! Whp-Shh! (Thats a whip cracking noise)
Wayne :-)
Just wanted to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN to the Mitchell clan. Don't eat TOO much candy. Ha.
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