Sorry for missing in action so much lately....I had quite a round of comic-con's to attend in the last two months. First it was Boston, then Portland, and just yesterday...Nashua NH. The show in Nashua was a super groovy time and sales of ZB products were very steady. There was a huge crowd, steady customers, some good friends, and lot's of new and interesting people to meet. The above sketch was started, but never finished, at yesterdays show.
As things slow down and we head into the winter doldrums, I am just going to have to breakdown and learn a bit more about this blogging stuff so I can post permanent links to the sites hosted by all the way cool creators I have met at these conventions.
Soon I will be posting the latest illo's for the Proffesor Stone series ( hang in there Ron ) and lot's of other cool stuff that has been perculating on the back burners of my drawing board. Trust me ....you guy's are gonna love it. Peace out.
Am thrilled the Nashua show had more of turn out, Mitch. Wish I could have been there. I don't see any new cons on the
horizon till the end of the year now.
Love the new sketch.
Gee thanks boss! Yeah the show was terrific! Wish you could have been there. Things are, indeed slowing down a bit so you should see some Proffessor Stone stuff real soon. I also picked up an old HARVEY comic featuring a very "pulpish" character called the BLACK CAT. Any idea if the copyright on this has lapsed? i would love to bring it back to life as a small press comic.
I know the character you are talking about Mitch, and you're right, she's a very cool character. But I would guess
she's still copyrighted. Don't quote me yet. Maybe it's time to do a little web surfing. I'll see what I can dig up for you. I think you'd do a fantastic BLACK CAT.
Sorry, Mitch. Didn't take me more than a second to find a web listing that announces the fact an actual BLACK CAT movie is now in the works in Hollywood,
based completely on the Harvey Comics
character. So you have to know that license is very active. Obviously somebody in Movie-Land saw the same potential you did, amigo.
MITCH Glad to hear your con appearances are going well buddy. NOW PLEASE send me your shirt size so I can mail this package to you!
Good sketch Mike. It's good see you plugging along and doing some great work. I'm been out of it for while, with moving up to Idaho and then back to California. I hope to be peeking into your blog more often.
HOORAY...Jack is back! Glad to have you visiting my blog again big guy! Jack here,is the El, Presidente of the SPS ( Small Press Syndicate )and he always seems to bring lively banter to my blog....great to hear from you Jack-0!
So sorry Skiver...I just thought everybody knew that Mike Mitchell's only come in x-tra large sizes...ha-ha
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