Michelle and I arrived in metropolis midtown for this years NY COMICON.
There were hundreds upon hundreds of comicbook, sci-fi, horror, fantasy, and gaming fans from around the country and around the world... all descending upon the ginormous Jacob Javitz Center.
The con itself was very well organized and professional. Being a veteran of many, but much smaller cons, I appreciated the little things, like the wide isles, the grid pattern layout, the numbered lanes, and best of all the cushioned carpet mats...ahhhh yes. After spending hours upon hours on your feet ogling booth after booth of comic eye candy one comes to value such things highly.
Enough about the amenities... time to brag about my loot! Lets see... I got a Dr. Zaius figure, I've been wantin' for about a hundred years. I also got some totally cool original Star Wars Kenners. OH....oh-hhh, CHECK-IT-OUT... I got a big fat honkin pile of awesome silver age comics from one of my favor-rite show dealers
Gary Dolgoff. I got a "sweet" bootleg copy of every episode of the 1966
BATMAN TV series. Michelle and I spoke at length with the Master of Horror art,
Basil Gogos, ( one of the worlds truly kind and generous talents ) who signed two prints for us.
There were many special memories that just popped up out of nowhere. Like capturing comicbook legend, and personal hero
JOE KUBERT reading the latest copy of my Zombie Boy comic. Having a nice visit with my friend, Marvel artist Lee Weeks was quite a treat. Meeting the guys behind
Kid America Club, or
Outer Space Men... was the real Way-out there kindda stuff I dig.
Try O' try as we might.... Michelle and I just could not see all there was to see. Our heads were spinning with information overload, our tummy's were begging for chow, and I was recovering from the sheer panic of, (temporarily) loosing my jacket! Counting ourselves lucky and blessed, we staggered away, ( as predicted... ) with "buttloads" of geek treasure strapped to our backsides. When we finally found our way to the 29th floor of the awesomely awesome, art deco-rateded
NEW YORKER hotel we were treated to a totally stunning view of the Empire State Building filling the window of our room ( see below )
When it was all said and done it was truly the adventure of a lifetime. So.... listen closely now chill-un's... If you consider yourself a geek, and have never gone to the
NYC-CON, then I strongly urge you to start saving now for next years show. Just do it! You will be so glad you did, and when you arrive... be sure to look for me, cause Dude... I am so there already.