Monday, June 05, 2006


Here is page 10 in our coffee-break series, a dark and moody piece to fit the rain. In case your wondering, yes I am on vacation, and yes I'm still doing coffee-break comics anyway. "Hey this here is sur-posed to be ahn at wirk pro-ject taint it feller?"

Why yes it is festus...however I thought long and hard about this and decided I could still ethically do it at home provided I keep myself limited to the same amount of time available on the job, and that I use the same materials available at work.

Besides It's my game and I make up the rules. Seriously, lot's of folks work at home wouldn't want to exclude them from our coffee-break challenge would you? Of course not.

And you know I didn't cheat. Does this page look like I spent much more than an hour on it, hmmmmm? In fact I think this page isn't even as good as some of the pages I did at work.

So needless to say there will be much more of this schlock comming your way. I actually couldn't stop now even if I wanted to. There are several of you,(you know who you are) who have decided to spread the coffee-break comix gospel. Most recently Ron Fortier, himself a comicbook writer and frequent visitor here, had a nice mention on his web site: Thanks Ron! Matt Dembicki also made mention on his shared blog D.C. conspiricy, and Small Press Syndicate Chairman, Jack Bertram helped in bringing visitors from several comic related chat groups.

Thanks to everyone who visited last month and made the debut of this blog such a rousing success! June is going to be even better with new features, upgrade tool's, and several secret projects....err...that is if the world hasn't ended by then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mitch,
Oh yeah, the treaded 666. Of course
my favorite item on the subject was
Jay Leno's gag in his monologue last
night. "They are taking bets it Vegas
on tomorrow being the last day of the
world. My question. If you bet and
they're right, how do you collect?"
Hey, amigo, thanks for the plug to
the old Airship 27. Much appreciated.